Understanding the Coronavirus antigens like COVID-19 protein

The rise of COVID-19 has caused serious concerns, affecting daily life and health as well as having a huge impact on the world economy. The governments across the world are grappling in different ways to control the spread of this disease and there is serious strain on the medical services of various countries. Education, awareness and early detection are crucial in effectively fighting the spread of this disease. Since this Coronavirus is so widespread across the world and the cases of infection are constantly rising the various health bodies and organizations such as World health organization (WHO) as well as the US center for disease control and prevention (CDC) are closely monitoring and keeping a watch on the situation. At the same time they are providing rolling updates to keep up with the surmounting challenges posed by the Coronavirus.
What should you know about GeneMedi and their body of work?
Founded in 2010, GeneMedi is a biotech company that has expertise in the viral vectors of the transfer in mediated gene, gene editing and gene therapy. The GeneMedi professionals provide assistance to the scientists from vector optimization and also provide assistance in the process of technology transfer, development and the scalable production.
The GeneMedi scientists offer high quality of scalable production in the adeno-associated virus known as (AAV) vector, adenovirus vector and lentivirus vector. The scientists also provide verified and optimized viral vector mechanisms or systems in the form of lentivirus, AAV and adenovirus. They are also responsible for the optimization for novel AAV generation, AAV cassette and capsid evolution. This means creating lesser amount of vectors of immunogenic AAV with the improved expression properties and improved transduction.
The GeneMedi is one of the best in the industry because it has the established standards of quality control system and additionally it has passed ISO9001:2009 certification of quality technical body. Besides this the company also has copyrights for 15 software, authorization of 1 patent as well as successful application for the invention of 6 patents and the patents for 6 utility models. The company provides technical and professional service for the research in gene function. Besides this GeneMedi also provides high quality and honest services for the pharmaceutical companies and scientists in the department of life sciences. There have been in excess of 200 articles which have used the products and services of GeneMedi.
As far as products and services go GeneMedi provides professional service of packaging technology related to adenovirus, lentivirus and adeno-associated virus (AAV). The different recombinant viral systems of packaging are created for clients. The viruses from the GeneMedi are inspected and tested for ensuring the quality as well as purity. The viral vectors that are produced by GeneMedi are suitable to be used in both the vivo and vitro thereby meeting the maximum demands from the clients and customers. The GeneMedi has also manufactured and launched a large number of the human full length protein coding ORF cDNA clones in the way of various sets for vector systems that come with multiple features that make the clones fit for numerous functional assays, easy purification in cell types, translation coupling systems and cell free transcription and proteomics study and wide scale functional genomics. If you want to order services/products at GeneMedi then you can do so through phone, email or directly through the website https://www.genemedi.net/.
Studying COVID-19 and SARS-CoV in terms of pathology and pathogens
The recombinant antigens reagents are called by multiple names that include COVID-19 protein, Coronavirus protein and COVID-19 antigens. The GeneMedi is responsible for producing various types of recombinant Coronavirus antigens or recombinant 2019 nCoV antigens like Recombinant Nucleocapsid, Envelope E Protein, 3C like Proteinase, Spike RBD protein, Spike protein – S1 protein and Spike protein (S Protein S1 + S2 ECD). Now let us have a look at some of the contrasts and comparison between the COVID-19 and SARS-CoV.
There are some genetics similarity between COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV, also called as SARS2 Coronavirus. The COVID-19 is considered as a novel Coronavirus which is transmitted from the unspecified wild animals and it can lead to (ARD) acute respiratory disease that can have further complicated clinical observations or characteristics. As per genome sequence analysis, the COVID-19 is considered closer to SARS-like bat CoVs (MG772933) than SARS-CoV(8) which descended from the SARS-like bat CoVs. The COVID-19 however share 85% similarity with the SARS-CoV(8) however it has less similarities with the MERS-CoV(9). Within the parameter of high similarity of the RBD in the spike protein there are several analysis which reveal COVID-19 makes use of same receptor as the SARS-COV which is the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) (10-12).In terms of the case fatality rate (CFR) for the COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV, it is affected by multiple factors such as the gender and age.