Drinking the Michael Boyle Kool-Aide

Many times in the fitness industry people are accused of following blindly, believing everything they read, and falling victim to what many call: “drinking someone’s Kool-Aide.” As a young impressionable strength and conditioning coach, my early years were spent searching for logical answers to complicated questions, not knowing what or whom to believe and where to turn. Sifting through information hoping to find a defining moment that would enhance my career and light a spark in my life as a Coach. I spent thousands of dollars on continuing education and still was not satisfied. My questions were not answered and I felt more confused than ever before. The day that I discovered strengthcoach.com changed my career, changed my path and breathed new life into my role as a Coach.
In fact, since that day, I have invested in EVERY product that Coach Boyle has ever released. From his books, DVD’s, lectures, mentorship program and on-line products. His Functional Strength Coach Vol. 1 DVD was the single biggest defining moment in my career. It is a classic, the “ET” or “Top Gun” of the strength and conditioning industry. I received more education from this content than from my entire career in academia. Below are two of my favorite Coach Boyle products.
StrengthCoach.Com: I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on continuing education. I can tell you with 100% conviction that there is NOTHING like this. NEVER has a coach been more available! The SC.com forum is LOADED with fitness professionals from Charlie Weingroff, Alwyn Cosgrove, Coach Dan John and others! This is the only product that I know of where you can ask a question and have it answered from coaches with decades of experience within minutes/hours.
Body By Boyle Online: I had the opportunity to attend Coach Boyle?s mentorship program a few years back. During the program, we were allowed to sit in on a staff meeting. What an unbelievable amount of knowledge and practical application that I picked up in that small window of time. Enter BBBO; from staff meetings, guest lectures, and full programming, this is the closet thing to a MBSC franchise that you will find. The investment far outweighs the cost.
“Drinking Someone’s Kool-Aide” means following blindly, believing everything you hear and not thinking on your own. Without knowledge, understanding, and practical application this can be an easy trap to fall into. This is not the sign of a confident, well-versed strength coach. Quite to the contrary, this content has allowed me to question, grow, agree to disagree, understand, adapt and think logically for my self and my athletes. It has allowed me to see the simplicity of the process and that is a beautiful thing. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” (Michelangelo). If that is considered “Drinking Someone’s Kool-Aide”, I’m proud to say that I’ll have another glass.